Thursday 2 February 2017

Life is....

This life is nothing but a deception . Full of imperfections, flaws, sadness and heartbreaks. Whenever we indulge in our mundane affairs and forget our purpose of existence, God gives us a sudden jolt to remind us that this life is just a temporary abode designed to give us everything on temporarily it sadness or happiness .. the eternal comfort and solace that we look for will never be attained in this unpredictable world. But still, despite knowing this all, we succumb to our nafs - the toughest form of jihad and fall prey to shaitaan tricks easily. We all know that he is our biggest enemy with only one aim to lead us astray but still many a times we let him take victory over us .. yes it's not easy,...the constant effort to try to please your Creator and defeat your enemy who is stronger, cunning and extremely determined to defeat you in any way possible