Thursday 31 July 2014

Every Employee is a Marketer !

Gone are the days when a CMO after spending millions on an advert could spend peacefully knowing it would hit the right audience and generate revenue.  When a salesman would knock from door to door in an effort to introduce company’s products to the prospects.  This is the ‘Age of Customers’ where customers are more empowered, more informed and more mobile than the past.  This means even before a salesperson knock at their door to educate them about the product, they have already researched about it through internet or heard over social media.  This has made marketing altogether complex and integrated.  It has now evolved from mere mass marketing to relationship or social marketing.
According to a new definition of marketing it is a process of creating, communicating and delivering set of values to the customers while engaging in long term relationships with them. And this value-delivery process cannot work unless all employees are on the same page. Amid fierce competition, only those companies take lead where all departments work cohesively towards value creation for the customers. This means all employees are directly or indirectly involved in the marketing.
 So the question is how can employees act as marketers? Should an HR person be involved in selling of the products? Should an accountant write copy for the ad campaigns?  Definitely Not! Employee as a marketer implies that he/she should be a part of customer acquisition and customer retention cycle. Every time an accountant is making timely payments to the customers, he is fulfilling company’s promise of superior customer service. Every time an engineer is developing quality products, he is fulfilling a promise of delivering quality products.   An HR person act as a marketer by extending company’s brand story to the current and prospective employees. Every time an employee is saying something positive about the company, he is in fact doing the marketing of a company.
Customers no longer demands products alone from the company, they want a complete value package- a matchless experience indeed!

So by putting clients’ needs ahead of your needs, by adhering to the company’s mission and vision, by spreading positive stories about the company, you perform the role of a marketer.