Tuesday 14 August 2012

Happy Birthday to Me !

I came in to existence. It was night full of Blessings; the night on which millions of angels descend on earth and Allah’s blessings pervade throughout the earth…It was night of Laila-tul-Qadar…I could still remember that moment; people’s spirits were as high as they were going to touch the sky…. The jubilant cheers by the people had intoxicated the atmosphere and created a delightful ambiance. They were victors who had won a battle after a long struggle… I was not just born to provide my people with a piece of land to live .But basic ideology behind my creation was to guard my people’s identity, to buffer their self esteem and most importantly provide them with freedom….…But unfortunately ever since my creation, I had met misfortunes one after another….My father died one year after I was born… the only hope left was  my foster parent, Mr Liaqat Ali khan but he also left me soon and bequeathed a trail of conspiracy theories about his death…. After that many people adopted me..Some were dictators, some were democrat but nobody gave me love and care I deserved. They exploited me, labored me but never paid me my due share..I met severe accident in 1970’s as a result my limb was decapitated and I got crippled...My elder step brother who has always been degrading me and detesting my existence is now destined towards the path of success…it is making progress by leaps and bounds..And I ‘ m here stuck with the problems of blindness, terrorist syndrome and corruptuloris..
If my father were alive today, he would be cursing that moment when he’d thought about getting a separate land for this nation… the ideology has now found a peaceful corner in students’ textbooks and it has gone to a deep slumber…The freedom for rights, freedom for religion and freedom for justice have been replaced by freedom for suicide bombing, freedom of media (to manipulate things), and freedom for corruption… Today it’s my 65th birthday..My people had given me tough time in the past but I’m still hopeful that one day they will understand importance of me .!! Wherever they live, once they die they come back to me to sleep on my lap..I have given them an identity, a nationality and most importantly a land where they have spent their childhood, where their loved ones live and people around them know that they exist…

Waving flags and play national songs on 14th august isn’t enough to prove their love for me…!

~~~   I need them but they need me more!!…~~~